DUSTBUSTERS- who you gonna call?

So something a little bit strange happened in the past few days. Must have been almost a week ago now I had a strangely sound solid sleep. Woke up in the morning feeling well rested and as if I hadn’t dreamt a thing. I started my morning by jumping in the shower, making a coffee and sitting down at my desk – this is completely normal.

Then I had this thought pop into my head and a remembered my Mum telling me I had to check I didn’t have cellulite, because supposedly, according to her it runs in the family. She had advised me that should I find any, I would have to go to the doctor and be immediately admitted to hospital. So listening to her wise words I was about to check myself for cellulite before realising how ridiculous I was being.

I had dreamt this whole conversation the night previously, and had only just vaguely remembered it as if it was a real occurance that happened last week or so. So I had a good laugh about it and considered how very strange the whole situation was, then brushed it off without a second thought.

Now a few days later a woman at work came in and over the course of the morning her leg swelled up, doubling in size. She spent the morning procrastinating about going to the doctor and eventually left in a lot of pain. A call the next day informed me she was on her way to the hospital and had a thing called ‘Cellulitis’ which is supposedly if it isn’t caught and treated early develops into blood poisoning.

Now this was a bit of a shock, and even more uncanny the similarity between cellulite and cellulitis. You can supposedly develop this infection from so much as a little scratch in the skin. Well I can honestly say that last night, I savloned all of my cuts and I intend to survive this week both cellulite and cellulitis free!