So I started writing this, three times. It was about dragons and dinosaurs and stuff. But each time I had to leave my computer unattended for some reason or another and everytime I would return to find someone had closed it without saving it. Sigh.

So here I am, for the fourth time.

Trying to remember what brilliantly wonderful and interestingly insightful things I had been telling you. Sadly, I can’t. So I’ll let you in on some observations I’ve made today.

Friday is the grocery shopping day for young mums with their little bubbas.
The older you get the less tolerance you have for sour lollies (in general).
Procrastination and the consumption of sour lollies grow exponentially together.
No matter how cold it is outside, it will always be colder in the beer chiller at the bottle store.
People still use faxes.
Sometimes string has a mind of its own.
Do not touch slinkys, they will contort themselves into an insanity inducing mess.
It is Friday. Relax.