Sorry about the lack of post up on Monday! I had an intensive weekend and certain moments of gallivantation extented beyond their allotted momental quota! Thus I make up for it today, the day commonly referred to as Wednesday or in some obscure religions “the day on which to groom your alpaca”.

Today is also the day of the week I get to be reminded how much money I give to the government. In tax. Feel like writing them a little note saying “oh don’t spend it all at once now kiddies” and wiggling my finger like a wise old grandmother. Somehow I don’t think they’d listen.

My kitties this past week or so have been rather under the weather (and continue to be) but they’ve started to learn how to correctly act in this situation. See photo for correct position to assume when in a state of ‘illness’.

Step 1: Occupy nap-couch
Step 2: Snuggle into blankies
Step 3: Rest head on pillow
Step 4: Snooze

ALSO I have good news for you all! I have crossed off “Make Profiteroles” from my currently incomplete life to-do list. Progress! Delicious progress!

As always if you have any bright suggestions for things to add to my list, let me know. I need things to achieve. Preferrably things which are inside the boundaries of the law. You wouldn’t want to go sending your local comic artist off to prison now would you? You’d be getting “Woah! Roscoe Issue 24 – Behind Bars”, I think not.