Manicures are over rated.

I admit that’s purely an opinion. But that’s what blog things are about, opinions. This is by no means a factual account of life and it’s mysteries. It’s life as I see it. Pop on your Debbie glasses and see it how I do for a moment.

Life is here for one reason or another, what reason I’m not really sure, but I’m dead certain it’s NOT to get manicures. That’s like the last thing on my potential list of lifes meanings. Right down there with cultivating brussel sprouts.

Sure it may be something nice to do once in a while (the manicures…not the brussel sprouts) but it’s not something to commit to. It’s not something to say “I will forever have manicured nails and my life will be beautiful”. Manicured nails will not make your life beautiful. Love will. The kind you dish out to people, not the kind you have for your newly manicured nails.

Little snippets of love will make your life beautiful. Hug your Dad, smile at school kids on buses, buy a Daffodil on Daffodil Day, pet kitties and share home baking at work one day.

Give flowers and cards for no reason, give someone else the window seat (unless you’re using it to smile at passers by), buy the person in line behind you a coffee.

Those little acts of love, unconditional and selfless, are the little things that will make your life more beautiful than manicured nails EVER will. Those little acts of love are the ones that start radiating out of your eye and ear holes, the kindness people can see when you walk down the street, without examining your philanges. People will smile at you, and you will smile back, and your life will be beautiful. Try it.