All day, I have had the Indiana Jones theme song, securely wedged in my auditory cortex. And I’ve discovered something wonderful.

The Indiana Jones song conjures up all sorts of adventurey and productive connotations, and the mere act of humming the tune has more of a wake up effect than coffee AND apples combined?! Have trouble getting up in the morning? Don’t drink coffee…set your alarm to play Indiana Jones! Not only will you take the day head on and fearless (unless there’s snakes involved) you will certainly have a stupid smile on your face too.

I hit some serious 3.30itis around 2.20pm yesterday. I just couldn’t shake it. Until Indiana hit me. Suddenly, I had my second wind and I was prancing around the office and saving the day before you could say “Fortune and Glory”.

Maybe that is the key to fortune and glory after all, motivation on demand (or on iPod). Imagine if we were all totally motivated all the time, imagine what would be achieved, imagine how much faster the future would develop. I think there’s a market for that, motivation music. I mean you can’t listen to Indiana forever, it must wear off sometime…right?

And what happens then?

We find another courageous theme song, keep our chins up, and take on the world with our unbridled enthusiasm!