Hey guys!

Guess what awesome thing happened over the weekend? Oh I got an email, that’s what.

Now I hear you talking over there, saying “Oh Deb, you are such a dingus, I get emails EVERY DAY and most of them are spam, emails are nothing to be excited about!”. Well, you listen here mate, this was a very cool email, with absolutely nothing to do with viagra, winning the nigerian lotto or confirming my bank account details. This email was from a very cool guy over in Australia (yes, some of the people over there are actually cool). Who was this man?

Dr. Matt Finch. He writes the Books and Adventures blog, he’s got a PhD and he’s super helpful.

Why was I getting email from a man with a PhD? Because he likes Woah! Roscoe, and because he’s currently writing about NZ Comics, and well, that’s what Woah! Roscoe is. So me oh my – I got a mention. Pop over here to check out the whole piece. Make a cup of tea first, there’s a lot of interesting things to read.

Also on my list of horrays to make this Monday slightly less monday-esque, I have been asked to help choreograph and Intermediate/Advanced level ceroc team routine for the National Champs! Wowie! What an honor! I am feeling pretty darn chuffed.

That, and the fact I have a cupcake for morning tea makes this quite a decent Monday indeed.