Do you remember the last thing you ate?

The last door you opened?

The last time you said good morning?

Think about it. You probably do eventually but it takes some thought. Or do you have a particularly good memory and recall everything instantly? I was just thinking about it today, and memory is a bizarre thing. Just like a memory stick we have limited space for thought-files but at the same time it doesn’t seem so.

A person is capable of learning HEAPS. It seems like learning potential is endless but those things like the last thing you ate isn’t particularly important, and is quickly overwritten with the next last thing you ate for example.

We almost have some kind of importance ranking scale going on in there, we’ll never overwrite our Mothers name with the colour of your pair of socks for the day.

I don’t know where I’m going with this, I just thought it was a kind of interesting topic when you start really thinking about it. There’s probably science behind it somewhere, people have probably done massive studies into it. There’s science lurking in pretty much everything these days.

And just another thought, I know there’s the whole long term and short term memory thing…and supposedly saying something 7 times shuffles it over into the long term section. What if you ate one brand of cereal for an entire year (quite likely going to happen for a few people), would that plonk that brand of cereal into your long term memory along with your birthday and home country? Would you be able to recall that cereal 40 years down the track?

Maybe you could, I don’t know. But surely long term memory doesn’t last forever right? It must fade a bit?

I’ve spent the past few weeks trying to remember what I wanted to be when I was 10. I couldn’t think of anything, I asked my parents and my sister, no one knew. This morning it suddenly struck me! I think I was taking drum lessons back then! I totally wanted to be a hardcore drummer!

It took me almost two weeks to remember this. To dig up the old dusty long term memory box, but after all that it was still there. I hadn’t lost it. It was just buried under years of thought.