Hey hey hey hey!

I went to have dinner with friends last night, which may I add, is a great thing to do. But due to their house being is a state of flux, midway through a relocation, takeaways was the thing to do. Takeaways are not a bad thing. They’re tasty, they’re good, they don’t cause too many dishes and washing up, they more often cause delicious leftovers for lunch the next day.

Anyway, I digress.

We went to get takeaways and Indian seemed to be the flavor of the week. We popped down to the local place and waited for our order to be ready, in a social enjoyable kind of way. Until, the waitress came over and tapped my friend on the shoulder and handed her a big brown paper bag.

Not just a paper bag, a big brown one with handles. It was rectangular. It looked like a high class designer eco-bag you’d get from an upmarket store in the heart of Newmarket, except it had curry inside.

Needless to say the walk back home was four million times more glamorous than we had anticipated and while I can’t speak for my friends, I was certainly feeling just a little under-dressed.