I’ve started getting pretty majorly over excited about my Europe trip.

Now that my birthday’s out of the way I feel like it’s the next major life point I’ve got lined up.

It’s pretty major…


I’ve started making the lists…We all knew the lists were coming..there’s lists of where I’m going, what I need to pack, what I need to buy, things I need to investigate, languages I need to dabble in! I feel suddenly so inexperienced!

I’ve started fretting I’ll try bring clogs home and customs will confiscate them. I’ve started getting worried that I’ll try to take a little bag of snacks and the officals will eat them without me. I’m trying to work out ways to discourage theivery and pickpocketing. I’m trying to gauge how offended people will be if I butcher their native language or don’t tip the right amount.

I’m worried I will get lost in the airport in Kuala Lumpur.

But in all this I am so very excited. Because adventure is coming. The REAL kind. Not the daydream kind. Not the kind when you’re like wouldn’t it be brilliant if I was like hanging out round the round table with Lancealot and his merry men. Not that kind at all. The real kind where I WILL need to try and successfully purchase items in a foreign country with foreign money and at some points completely on my own. I will have my travelling pack of tokens and sustainence, I’ll have my phrase books or something, I’ll not have a valiant steed..that I’m aware of. But it’ll be a real adventure.

I’ll join a bunch of merry travelling men and women.

It’ll be like a fantasy novel without the fantasy.

and I’m thinking about going bobsledding while I’m there…..who does that!