I am having such a super productive weekend thus far!

I have attended a contemporary dance show, had hot chocolate and chats with the wonderful Blaise, washed the dishes and the clothes (including sheets!), cleaned the kitchen and tidied the lounge, updated Woah! Roscoe, fed the kitties and loitered on the interwebs! Phew!

And it’s not over yet, next I’m going to vacuum, make my bed, tidy my room, visit my sister, have guests for dinner, attend a birthday party, draw more Woah! Roscoe, hopefully do some dance practise, peruse the garden and maybe just maybe I’ll book in a foot spa and a massage just to top it off.

What are you up too? Productivity or relaxation this weekend? It’s funny sometimes I have a relaxing weekend, get to the end of it and scold myself for not achieving enough in the grand scheme of life and universe. Then I have to remind myself I can’t be super productive absolutely all the time…can I? Then I’d just be frazzled constantly. No, relax times are important. And if this is a relax weekend for you don’t feel guilty for a lack of enthusiasm or productivity. I whole heartedly endorse you caring for yourself and taking time out. It’s important.

Just find the balance. Don’t do it every weekend and seriously achieve nothing ever. Achieving stuff is thoroughly important too. If we didn’t have productive weekends, the internet wouldn’t exist. There would be no fresh bread for a weekend indulgence. There wouldn’t be vege gardens or swimming pools.

I’m rambling, sorry.

I must say though I do get ever so frustrated at the people who go to work, come home, watch TV, eat and sit on facebook til they fall asleep. Then the weekend rocks around, TV isn’t great, so they put on a movie. And sit in front of the TV for 48 hours. Those people bug me, it never feels like they’re making the most of their life. Don’t be one of those people. Be thankful for the life you’re lucky enough to have and use it, exploit it, fill it to the brim. Please.

Enough rambling, I’m off to keep this productivity train charging along…