Reap what you sow. No pain no gain. Etc.

A hard time just earns you good times further down the track. The harder the hard, the sweeter the good. At least I think that’s how it seems to work. So what? So I’m going to work hard and you should too, if you want to achieve anything or make it anywhere, I don’t think you’ve got any other option.

My problem at the moment is trying to find out where exactly to put that work in.

I’m torn between trying to do five thousand things, and do them all well. And well enough that hopefully one day, they could fund my life and I would have no need for one of these silly job things. Because really, this job thing is a bit of a mediocre existence. I mean yes, I know they’re pretty much essential for majority of the world. But in terms of enjoying life (which is really a major aspect of being alive) they aren’t ideal, unless you design your own.

Granted, I’ve been better these days getting back into my drawing for you. I’ll be back into my old rhythms soon enough I should hope and you’ll be getting consistent updates and emails in no time. The unfortunate thing about all this drive and direction means I have too many excuses to not make my bed or tidy the study or do any of the less important but just as necessary things. So whilst I fret over how to conquer the world in three easy steps my belongings get more disorganised.

Is all this drive just glorified procrastination for cleaning? I sure hope not.