Hey folks, I’m still here! If you were wondering :)

No freak shark attacks over the weekend that stole me away from you…though there was a close call with a disrupted meditation group.

How was your weekend? Were you by any chance at a meditation group? With cushions perhaps? OH good.

Do you get the feeling you need to be in the right frame of mind for a Monday? I do. I very much do. I haven’t got there yet today. I’m in this awkward semi-bitter place at the moment, cursing Monday and all of its inconviniences (it’s got plenty). I’m feeling much like Garfield, I think he knew a thing or two about Mondays. Could I have Tuesday yet please?

Tuesdays are much better.

Tuesday is the day when everyones over the Monday miserables and just knuckles in to get some stuff done. Tuesdays are productive. This Tuesday I’m going to see the Pearl Jam movie Twenty. Is it going to be grand? Signs point to yes.