Oh dear, I’ve had a very naughty breakfast this morning – way to start off the week on a healthy note, pah.

It is not unusual for me to have a croissant for breakfast from the bakery if I don’t get a bite for breakfast before I have to leave for work, but today I felt like something more, I felt like maybe something fruity so upon arrival at said bakery I spotted out a delicious looking apple turnover – now I know it’s not the healthiest option but it has fruit.. and fruit is healthy. Well anyway I had all good intentions of buying this mildly healthy apple turnover when to my dismay, I spotted the same thing but…. filled with cream!

How could I resist! I couldn’t! I know it was breakfast time but this grand opportunity of creamy appley goodness could not be passed up. So now I sit here and guiltily enjoy the unhealthiest start to a week I’ve had in a long time.

On a completely different note, last night me and love had our first ever power cut in our flat – it was awesome! It was raining and howling a gale outside and we were inside with apple scented candles, blankets and  a pack of cards – luckily the power came on in the night so my alarm for work managed to go off at the right time. But I honestly wouldn’t mind having another power cut like that again, just so long as I’ve already cooked dinner and don’t need to work on the comic!