Sure the journey may be long, but it’s the best bit. It’s the bit that actually grows you as a person, builds character, strengthens the heart, mind and soul. The bit you have to thank for all your good qualities.

This applies 100% of the time I think. To 100% of lifes journeys, big and small. Think about it. The journey experienced making a cuppa tea. You have to lay the ground work, get the jug on, make sure you have a good clean mug (maybe even wash one), build your planning skills, foresight. As the jug boils and the tea brews one must have patience, comfort and trust that the tea will come. And once the tea is ready, it tastes all the sweeter for the effort and anticipation.

Sure that’s a bit of an exaggeration of the point – but you see what I mean. It’s all a process. And if it ends up with a cuppa tea in your tum – all the better.

Drawing this update was a process for me, granted I’m not certain the process is done. I did something I hardly ever do and put it down without finishing…and still managed to come back to it and ‘complete’ it. I’m not sure what it is about putting down a picture unfinished. I hardly ever pick it up again.

You know what I think it could be? I think I may lose the fire.

If there’s a picture burning a hole in my head I’ve got to get it out. If I don’t fuel that fire. If I step away and let it go out, it’s certainly hard to rekindle the ashes. So how did I do it, how did I come back to this? I kept the ashes warm. If that makes sense.

I kept this image in my head, kept it smouldering, and apparently it worked okay.

Though I think I’ve let it go now, now that it’s out here with you guys. In good hands.

Sorry – looks like I’m in a rambley type mood today. Other things of note:

A) I spent all day feeling pretty
B) I spent a good portion of the day smiling like a happycat
C) I spent my evening cooking and drawing – what indulgence!
D) I will be on a plane in 8 days